Key Points about the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution:
The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution provides the probability of finding a particle with a certain speed in an ideal gas.
It applies to particles in thermal equilibrium, meaning the system has a uniform temperature and no net flow of energy.

Increasing Concentration
By increasing the concentration of molecules within a system, the actual energy of the molecules doesn’t change. The proportion of molecules with the required activation energy is the same, there are just more of them! Because of this, more particles in the system have the required activation energy and react.

Using a Catalyst
By using a catalyst, the energy of particles in the system remains the same, but the activation energy required for a successful collision is lowered. As a result, more particles are able to successfully collide. .

Increasing Temperature
By increasing the temperature of a system, the energy of the particles increases. So, more particles have the required activation energy.